Book now available in paperback and in Open Access
entrepreneurYes it is real! Our book on the pas d'armes in late medieval Europe has just come off the press! Part I of the volume provides a representative selection of sixteen translated and contextualised sources on the pas d’armes that includes narrative texts, administrative accounts and illuminated images. Part II, which comprises seven new scholarly essays on the pas d’armes, addresses the issue of how this type of tournament evolved through cultural transfer from court to court, offers in-depth analyses of a chronological and geographical range of pas d’armes from the perspective of text-image relations, heraldry, urban-court relations and manuscript commissioning, and focuses on broader themes such as the construction of masculinity and the representation of chivalric and non-chivalric bodies at these events. The volume also provides a map and table of all such tournaments known to have taken place between c. 1420 and c. 1520, some of which have been identified for the first time as pas d’armes, as well as a glossary of arms and armour, clothing and textiles typically featured at this type of event.
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