The knight-defender’s pavilion at the Pas de la Fontaine des Pleurs, showing a unicorn, the Lady of the Fountain of Tears (left), the Madonna and Child (top centre) and Charolais Herald. Livre des faits de messire Jacques de Lalaing. Los Angeles, J. Paul Getty Museum, 114, fol. 1113r. Photo: Getty.

New sources on the Pas d'armes now online


Since we completed our book and sent it out for publication, we have discovered new interesting sources for the pas d'armes. Rosalind Brown-Grant has translated these sources which concern (1) four pas d'armes that took place in 1446-47 in the courtly milieu of Anjou under the aegis of Duke René and (2) two pas d'armes that were held in 1484 in Paris at the court of the newly crowned King Charles VIII. They are freely accessible on the website of Liverpool University Press and should be considered as a supplement to our Casebook:
Supplementary source 1
Supplementary source 2

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Book now available in paperback and in Open Access


Yes it is real! Our book on the pas d'armes in late medieval Europe has just come off the press! Part I of the volume provides a representative selection of sixteen translated and contextualised sources on the pas d’armes that includes narrative texts, administrative accounts and illuminated images. Part II, which comprises seven new scholarly essays on the pas d’armes, addresses the issue of how this type of tournament evolved through cultural transfer from court to court, offers in-depth analyses of a chronological and geographical range of pas d’armes from the perspective of text-image relations, heraldry, urban-court relations and manuscript commissioning, and focuses on broader themes such as the construction of masculinity and the representation of chivalric and non-chivalric bodies at these events. The volume also provides a map and table of all such tournaments known to have taken place between c. 1420 and c. 1520, some of which have been identified for the first time as pas d’armes, as well as a glossary of arms and armour, clothing and textiles typically featured at this type of event.
You can order the book here:
or consult it via Open Access here:

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Now accessible: our database on Pas d’armes


For everybody accessible now! In order to make the data used in our book, website and virtual exhibition more accessible to both scholars and the general public, we have created an online database. It contains most of the details of all pas d’armes held between c.1420 and c.1520 (e.g. exact dates and locations, names of entrepreneurs and challengers, composition of teams, type of combat, theatrical scenario, ephemeral architecture, guests and spectators, etc.). The database can be searched by Events, i.e. all pas d’armes as they are normally called in the sources or secondary literature; Participants, i.e. all people involved in the pas d’armes as combatants,  judges, spectators, guests, etc.; Locations, i.e. all towns, villages, castles and other places where the events took place; and Sources, i.e. all archival, manuscript and published sources which we used to create the database.

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Our book is going to press!

CORE Admin

On 30 November 2023, we submitted our book, entitled Pas d’armes and Late Medieval Chivalry: A Casebook, to Liverpool University Press for publication in their Liverpool Historical Casebooks series. The volume, which consists of translations of seventeen original sources and seven essays, has two main aims: firstly, to provide greater access to many of the narrative, financial and pictorial sources relating to such events; and secondly, to demonstrate how these sources can be used to develop scholarly debates about the pas d’armes in new directions. A map and a complete table of all pas d'armes held between c.1420 and c.1520 are also provided, as well as a glossary defining key terms relating to weapons, armour and clothing used in both the sources and the essays. The book will be published in Open Access in the course of 2024.

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Winter Lecture at the Royal Armouries

CORE Admin

On 8 November 2023, Rosalind Brown-Grant gave an online talk in the Winter Lecture series at the Royal Armouries, Leeds, entitled ‘Pas d’armes and Late Medieval Chivalry: Tournament, Sport and Spectacle’. The lecture was followed by a Q&A on the origins, history, and arms and armour of this particular type of chivalric event with the participation of Mario Damen and Ralph Moffat. The complete lecture and Q&A session can be viewed here on YouTube.

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Database on Pas d’armes


In order to make the data used in our book, website and virtual exhibition more accessible to both scholars and the general public, we have created an online database in Nodegoat. This research database contains details of all pas d’armes held between c.1420 and c.1520 (i.e. exact dates and locations, names of entrepreneurs and challengers, composition of teams, type of combat, theatrical scenario, ephemeral architecture, guests and spectators, etc.). The database can be searched by Events, i.e. all such tournaments that can be classified as pas d’armes as they are normally referred to in the sources or secondary literature; People, i.e. all people involved in the pas d’armes as combatants, judges, spectators, guests, etc.; and Locations, i.e. all towns, villages, castles and other places where these events took place. The database will be available from the end of January 2024.

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